Applied College
National leadership in building an educationally, skillfully, and practically innovative knowledge society
3681 Students
4 Specializations
2 Branches
26 Labs
4 Partnerships
1 Clubs
276 Graduates
1 Centers
83 Faculty Staff
6 Free Programs
9 Paid Programs
College News

Applied College – Female Campus, in Collaboration with the Community Responsibility Department and the College of Medicine, Launches an Initiative Titled
Applied College – Female Campus, in Collaboration with the Community Responsibility Department and the College of Medicine, Launches an Initiative Titled "English Story Reading" in Celebration of World Children’s Day – First Semester 1446
The Deanship of Student Affairs, in Collaboration with the Community Responsibility Department at the Applied College, organizes a Training Course Titled
The Deanship of Student Affairs, in Collaboration with the Community Responsibility Department at the Applied College, organizes a Training Course Titled "Protecting Personal Data in Cyberspace" for International Scholarship Students at Najran University – First Semester 1446
The Applied College - Female Branch - Organizes
The Applied College - Female Branch - Organizes "Productive Families" Event for Several Productive Families in Najran City - First Semester 1446
On the International Volunteer Day - the Student Activities Committee in cooperation with the Community Responsibility Management at the Applied College - Main Campus - organizes a voluntary initiative titled

On the International Volunteer Day - the Student Activities Committee in cooperation with the Community Responsibility Management at the Applied College - Main Campus - organizes a voluntary initiative titled "Winter Bag" - First Semester 1446


College Announcements

On the International Volunteer Day, the Student Activities Committee in cooperation with the Community Responsibility Management at the Applied College - Main Campus - invites college staff to participate in the Winter Bag Initiative - First Semester 1446
On the International Volunteer Day, the Student Activities Committee in cooperation with the Community Responsibility Management at the Applied College - Main Campus - invites college staff to participate in the Winter Bag Initiative - First Semester 1446
The Intellectual Awareness Unit at Najran University, in Collaboration with the Applied College, organizes a Seminar Titled
The Intellectual Awareness Unit at Najran University, in Collaboration with the Applied College, organizes a Seminar Titled "National Belonging: Its Concept and Importance" – First Semester 1446
The Alumni Committee, in Collaboration with the Student Activities Committee at the Applied College, Invites Students to Attend a Lecture Titled
The Alumni Committee, in Collaboration with the Student Activities Committee at the Applied College, Invites Students to Attend a Lecture Titled "Mastering Deep Work Skills" – First Semester 1446
The Student Guidance Committee at the Applied College invites college students to attend a lecture titled

The Student Guidance Committee at the Applied College invites college students to attend a lecture titled "Exams Without Stress" - First Semester 1446


College Images

College Videos