Applied College
National leadership in building an educationally, skillfully, and practically innovative knowledge society
Applied College
National leadership in building an educationally, skillfully, and practically innovative knowledge society
3681 Students
4 Specializations
2 Branches
26 Labs
4 Partnerships
1 Clubs
276 Graduates
1 Centers
83 Faculty Staff
6 Free Programs
9 Paid Programs
College News

The Student Activities Committee at the Applied College - Women's Branch - Celebrates Teachers' Day - First Semester 1446
The Student Activities Committee at the Applied College - Women's Branch - Celebrates Teachers' Day - First Semester 1446
Click Club at the Applied College Organizes a Training Course for Students Titled
Click Club at the Applied College Organizes a Training Course for Students Titled "Programming Basics" - First Semester 1446
The Student Counseling Committee at the Applied College - Main Campus - organizes
The Student Counseling Committee at the Applied College - Main Campus - organizes "Academic Advisors Orientation Meeting" - First Semester 1446
The Student Activities Committee at the Applied College Organizes a Visit to Prince Mishaal bin Abdullah Library - First Semester 1446

The Student Activities Committee at the Applied College Organizes a Visit to Prince Mishaal bin Abdullah Library - First Semester 1446


College Announcements

The Student Cases Committee at the Applied College - Main Campus - announces the ‎availability of the alternative monthly exams Form for students who were absent with an ‎excuse - First Semester 1446
The Student Cases Committee at the Applied College - Main Campus - announces the ‎availability of the alternative monthly exams Form for students who were absent with an ‎excuse - First Semester 1446
The Student Activities Committee at the Applied College – Female Branch – invites the college students to register for the Student Activity Clubs - First semester 1446
The Student Activities Committee at the Applied College – Female Branch – invites the college students to register for the Student Activity Clubs - First semester 1446
The Click Club at the Applied College invites students who are registered through the Tadreeb platform to attend the training course
The Click Club at the Applied College invites students who are registered through the Tadreeb platform to attend the training course "Programming Fundamentals" - First Semester 1446
Click Club at the Applied College invites students to participate in the

Click Club at the Applied College invites students to participate in the "Tech Knowledge Competition" organized by the club - First Semester 1446


College Images

College Videos